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Friday, June 14, 2013

The Winning Formula for Success in Two Words: Persistence and Insistence a must have by all entrepreneurs

 Two words: persistence and insistence. You're probably saying, what in the world is this guy talking about right now, but these two words are powerful. You have to have insistence if you are going to have persistence, and you have to have persistence if you are going to have insistence. The two words work hand in hand with each other. Being persistent and insistent in your daily business activities will literally jet propel you into success.

Let's briefly define each word, this is my definition, not the dictionaries, so bare with me. Persistence means to keep going when others stop, it means to have the will to not give up. Insistence means doing things repetitively until you get a response. Think of a current business opportunity you have with a prospect, if I told you that you had 48-hours to get a face-to-face meeting, or else... you would most likely get that face-to-face meeting. It's funny how things work when you have a deadline.

I'm using the above business example because entrepreneurs and business leaders are my target audience, you can take the same example into dieting, working out, etc. When people set a goal for themselves, they start out strong, they are persistent, they are insistent, and everything is goes great. As the weeks go on, the persistence goes away, the insistence goes away, and the goal slowly starts to slip away. You know what I'm talking about, we've all been guilty of this.

In business, as well as in personal life, you have to have the will to keep going, especially when others stop. The will to keep going, not only for today, but for tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day. Don't give up before the real progress occurs. If you stop, you don't have a chance. You have to have a ticket to get into the event, and having persistence and insistence is your ticket into the event. It's a decision you make, and only you can make, so make the decision to be persistent and insistent in your work and personal life today.. follow this link to read more

The Winning Formula for Success in Two Words: Persistence and Insistence

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