Africa is one of the continents of the word that is blessed with resources to make it great if not the greatest of all the continents of the world. This continents is blessed with abundance of natural resources including manpower, great vegetation, good soil, good weather and climate, abundance minerals resources such as petroleum, coal, gold, tin, incomparable agricultural land, great resources for tourism, sustainable wildlife resources etc. Despite the abundance availability of these resources, Africa continent still describe as the poorest continents in the world” however, despite the vast resources in African continents, the impact of this has not reflect in people’s way of life. What a pity?
Ironically, most of developed countries in the world develop on the fate of Africa continent but yet Africa continent has failed to develop its own heritage. It is good to note that, most of these developed countries uses African to experiment their own course of development in exchange for loan, grants and aids which hinders them from taken their destiny to their own hand
African continent for instance, can feed people in other continent yet their citizens are living in hunger, they cloth other people from other region yet their own citizen appear naked, they provide resources for other people economy yet their own economy is in shambles, they allow people from other places to siphon their resources in pretense for investment yet their own citizen pay through their nose to visit other peoples continents,
“However, Africa continent are tagged as people who cannot take care of their own needs yet they take of other people. They make strangers kings and princess in their own land but their own citizen are treated as second citizen in other places in the world. This is a continent where people in power siphon their country treasury; keeps it in a foreign country leaving their own people in anguish and obscure”
It is not a doubt that African continent experience abuse of right to live, freedom and control of their own course of development in the past during “slave trade” but despite the abolition of slave trade, what is the fate of African people today?. The truth is that, most countries in Africa till today are still operating under circumstances of 2nd modern slave trade whether knowly or unknowly. Some of these countries are still under the influence of slave trade because up till now, the citizens in these countries have not totally experience freedom from slave trade. This is because; many of those countries still live under the influence of their masters. It means they still depend on other nation of the world to manage their people, resources and economy
In fact till today, most countries in Africa operate under second “slave trade syndrome” although many factors are responsible for underdevelopment in the continent. It can be summarize under these three headings: Bad leadership, Corruption and Overdependence on foreign countries for assistance
Bad leadership
African leadership style is the basis of Africa problems. The essence of leadership is to leads his people and channels the course of development for his people. The style of leadership in most Africa continent is homogenous “this is because the mentality to rule by most Africa leaders follows the same philosophy”. Let me remind you of some of the characteristics of African leaders
1. They get to power by their own means through election manipulation
2. They are more of party leader rather than peoples leaders
3. They are power driven rather than economic driven
4. They focus more on political interest in expense of public interest
5. They focused on political oriented programme with little attention to peoples oriented programmes
6. There cabinet are made up of their own kinsmen selected based on their own will not by the will of the citizens
7. They do all that is possible to hold on to power even after leaving office
8. They are selfish instead of being selfless
“Given all these features of leadership in African, it can be deducted that Africa remain what it is today primarily as a result of a poor governance”. Most countries in this continent have the same pattern of leadership as most of their leaders are power driven. It is good to note that if the same set of people of the same kind runs government for ages, the result will always be the same” there is no doubt about that, the trend of leadership and governance in most African countries follow the same history in terms of the people, political party and pattern of governance
“Most of these leaders focus on what they can get out of power, remain in power as long as they want and after leaving the sit of power still want to be in control of power”
“If you want to ascertain leadership problem as one of the causes of Africa underdevelopment use the characteristics of Africa leadership style recently provided to judge present system of governance in your on country”
A good leader should think in people’s perspective rather than focusing on how to become political dictatorship. However, as long as Africa leaders decide not to change their leadership style and system of governance. The African continents in the next 50yrs will remain where they are except revolution takes it course
“It is no doubt that bad leadership begot poor governance and this provides favorable ground for corruption to thrive in any society”. Corruption is a major challenge of Africa development. In fact, this as become a normal way of life in some Africa quarters. . Several efforts have been made by government of countries in Africa to manage corruption but it is quite unfortunate that this has not make any impact. The fact remains that, the hands that get the government into power are corrupt, people in power are either force or chose to maintain the status quo. The institution set up to fight corruption are also part of corrupt government. Then who is fooling who? Fighting corruption in most Africa country is as using ” cat as a security agent for rat in a lion den” what will be the major aim of both the cat and lion? To use the poor rat for refreshment!!!
“However, in most African countries, most institution set up to fight corruption are use as tool of punishment for those who oppose the reigning government in power” in Africa style of leadership, the people in power are to enjoy while the citizen endure in which the reverse suppose to be the case if they are really a leader . All leaders should note that, the position of power is like climbing a ladder, you will meet some people on your way up but remember that this are set of people you will meet when you return back from the ladder, you can’t be at the top forever. Hence, the position of power is a position of responsibility and not of hospitality and comfort
Overdependence on another country for assistance
“The grants and aids give to Africans cannot solve their problems but instead form part of their problems”. This grants give to most Africa countries are meant to relieve people of their suffering but these grants is another source of national cake for political elite
The world need to understand this, African continent have what it takes to make them self sufficient, the human resources, mineral resources, technology, culture, soils, vegetation are sufficient enough to take care of their people and extend gesture to other nation.
Since donation has being giving to Africa, what has been the impact of this on people’s welfare, excepts that It create more economic prospect for political gladiators. It is high time Africa gets rid of “modified mental slavery” and takes giant stride towards solving their own problems. Remember, in life nothing goes for nothing, all foreign assistance given are given with expectation of something in return whether in cash or kind. “This is our land, we knows our problems, the cause of our problems, so we should know the solution to our problems instead of depending on foreign help that can not solve our problems”. Beware of second slave trade !!!
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