Speak your Mind

Speak your Mind

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Four things that Determine your prowess for Success in Life

Success in life is a factor of so many things. Although success is a relative concepts as it means so many things to different people. to some people success is for one to be in marriage, it might also be having children, to some people it can also be describe as a process of making  profit in business, getting promoted  at a particular job can also be ascribe to success. For entrepreneurs and business oriented individuals, success will be achieve when one make progress in business. The progress might be in terms of profit making, overcoming challenges, gaining new connection, making excess profit and minimizing cost.
“However, for one to record any success in life whether in business or non business, some factors play a significant impact, these includes: money, education, entourage and drive”
This does not imply have a billion dollars in reserve, not determined by the amount you have but the understanding of it and your ability to earn it. Let me ask you this question, do you truly understand the value of it and importance of saving? Do you understand what your options are for making money? Do you have multiple source of income or are you dependent on paid jobs? These are questions you need to answer with honesty!

“You should have a strong foundation with multiple source of income”. Twenty percent of your money should go to your savings giving you good cash reserves. A perfect balance of cash and credit needs to remain in place, so do not just pay down credit all the time and neglect your savings. If you do not have these, it does not mean that you cannot move forward, it simply means that you must do your best to preserve and grow your foundation while you pursue your dreams.
Think about it in the most basic ways, if you are dependent upon a salary to fund your business, then that source of income must be protected and cannot be taken lightly. Realizing this early enough allows you to take a prudent approach so that your sources of income are not compromised. Understanding where you are and what you need to do to help yourself is the most important factor 
“It possible that, you must have been told that, education is about college and that school is a mandatory prerequisite to success”. I will emphasize here that its not. Please do not get me wrong. I also truly believe that education is extremely important, but to be sincere it has nothing to do with going onto college for success, it has to do with your ability to learn from everything including your environment, other successful individuals, and the schools. I will emphasize that a formal education is only effective if you have the desire to do so. That being said, I do not believe that spending four years in a university taking random classes is going to help you become wealthy.
The degree you earn means almost nothing compared to the knowledge you acquire. Focusing your studies on skill set rather than subjects will be a great way to differentiate yourself from others who only go to school for the sake of earning a degree as a means to gain employment. “Your goals should be to become the most proficient speaker and writer and should also include your ability to understand the basic fundamentals of life”. More importantly, your education should be the wisdom of common sense and street smarts. Education will not outweigh experience, although if aligned properly to your life goals, it can become a great asset to your life
“Do not under estimate the importance of common sense and the power it will hold to help you get to where you are going”
One of the most common mistakes that our new generation makes is not seeking education, but rather where they are seeking it. One of the downfalls of looking for instant gratification is what we believe in just about everything we read. In addition, we also believe that we are experts just by reading one or two items on the topic. Understanding and educating yourself around topics or things seems unfamiliar to you make a difference in the field you seek where success is most important!

This place significant emphasis on your friends and those that hang around you. The power of a common vision amongst friends and family and energy that is created from a common positive outlook can significantly help with the growth of your foundation.
Re – evaluate your friendships and look at the life and outlook your friends have. Does it match yours? What value do they bring to your life?
Most of us have had good friends and some not so good friends. But do we ever really align your life friends with who you are to become or rather who you are today. Your friends may look passive to you in some cases or maybe even seem like they are not of most importance, as they are only there for entertainment or a relationship that came to be out of circumstances but a step back
“The people around you have a lot more control over your future than you think. Their mistakes can easily become your mistakes. Their lack of interest in growing past certain phases can become your lack of interest. Not only can their negativity be damaging in the short term, but it can also slowly destroy your ambitions by dragging you into doing nothing

The Drive
Most people believe they are driven to succeed but are you really as driven as you think? Are you moving forward as fast as you think? The reality remains that we often set our eyes on the price and believe that our motivation and drive is solely based on the desire to attain an items. “In reality, you need to understand the true value of your desire and what success really means to you to determine the effort you are putting forth”
When looking for things that motivate you or drive you to succeed. Try to make sure it is not money. Money is a temporary driver, but you will work forever trying to reach that goal. But if your only goal is to become rich, you will never reach it! Focusing your passion into something you believe in or enjoy, will allow you to create a vision. This vision will enable you to know where you are heading and will remain a constant motivator
“When pursuing your life, dreams, and desires, take a minute to rethink your strategy and re evaluate where you really are”. Keep in mind that without a strong foundation, unnecessary obstacles will keep coming your way. Think about it, you have so much to build, so much to do, yet the small things like your financial or your friends are slowing you down. Create a foundation for yourself that will be able to support the growth you really see yourself attaining. Think ahead!!!

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