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Monday, August 12, 2013

Terrorism in Nigeria, A Threat or Prospect to National Economic Development

Terrorism is the use of violet action in order to achieve political aims or to force a government to act.Terrorism news carries the major headline in the media all over the world today. I do not think there is any day world news will be casted without any report of terrorist attack in most part of the world especially in some part of African and Middle East”
However, I remember in some years ago, the major form of violence in Nigeria is mostly of communal disagreement, political motivated cum religion crisis, post election violence. However, in some years back, the issue of terrorism hit the media. Several questions were asked to reveal the likely issues that have lead to terrorism insurgency in Nigeria. Considering the meaning of terrorism, I would love to isolate some keywords from this definition to explain this topic further
“Terrorism is the use of violet action in order to achieve political aims or to force a government to act”
The use of violet action
This is no doubt that, this has been witness and experience in some part of the country since the inception of this insurgency. Many live has been lost, several people wounded, many individual and public properties are destroyed and many economic activities has been ruin and several people have been displaced from their homes. Many religion places, media houses and government law enforcement agency has experience constant attacked”
Achieving political aims
According this definition, this is the major aim behind terrorism. Hence, are we saying that all over the world, terrorist attack are carried out to achieve political aim with Nigeria inclusion? Are we assuming that, attacked on Nigerians by Nigerians or non Nigerians are politically motivated? Is it also true that desperate power seekers are using these violet actions to pursue political ambition? 
“Can we also agreed that power driven individuals decide to use violet action to destroy their own people, properties and put the whole society in kiosk”
Okay if your answer is “YES” then time will tell!!

Force government to act
One of the primary objectives of government of any nation is to protect it citizen. However, can it be said that the reason behind terrorism in the world is to force government to act? However, the subject of taught here is that, “Taken violet action which force the government to act”. For government to act in this case means to provide basis to address and counter terrorism using what methodology? Is it by using violence, dialogue through negotiation, amnesty or to feel indifferent about it?
The fact about terrorism
Terrorism arises, as a result of something either experience by a group of people or individual. “I think the basis of this is that there is a “grief” which is likely caused by political, economic, religion, battle for supremacy, marginalization, corruption or external political interference”. However, terrorism insurgency arises in any nation as a result of fail in responsibility of any nation to identify people grievance, source of the grief, analyzing the grievances, the causes of the grief, open negotiation and providing lasting solution to relieve the grievances of the aggrieve
Hence, most of terrorist activities in any country are usually spearheaded by external influence”. Therefore any nation that wants to solve the terrorism insurgence must also look inward to regulate it foreign policies and activities
Terrorism a threat or prospect
Terrorism in any country takes two forms, It might be domestic motivated terrorism i.e. terrorism without external influence. It can also be inform of terrorism with foreign influence
“But it is good to note that, most activities of terrorism today are backed with foreign influence. In fact, the activities of external influence on another nations affairs is the major basis for terrorism”
The major reasons could be economic, political; battle for supremacy but the major reasons is on economic reasons
“A terrorist act is a grief for something” It can be describe as a way of showing violet action in absence of government prompt interference to grievances. It can result into creating no ground for nation economic development
In a case where government fail to recognize the demand of his people and people fail to legitimately hold the government responsible and accountable to them. This we result to grievance and in the absence of dialogue and negotiation, it will result to violet action in the part of the citizen and government is expected to take certain action
“Will the government now start to kill his own citizens to counter terrorism?”
Will the violet action causing terrorism continue as a way of showing grievance to express political, economic, religion and marginalization discomfort?
What are the appropriate measures needed by government to counter the manice of terrorism? Is by using dialogue or embracing the use of fire for fire
“The citizen constitutes the government and part of the people also form the terrorist group”. Then how is fighting how? It is no doubt in Nigeria that, terrorist attacks are carrying out through violet action. There is nothing good about violet than creating unfavorable circumstance which can’t support economic development. During this insurgency in Nigeria, many economic activities have been distorted and this is not too good for our economy!

“However, violet does not bring any good than worsening the problem creating more room for further grievances”. Therefore, the parties involve in this struggles should look for more diplomatic way to resolve issues causing grievances that lead to insinuating violent action and citizen should allow enabling environment for implementation of government policy thus holding the driver of the economy accountable for their “deeds”  

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