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Speak your Mind

Monday, August 12, 2013

Gay Right in Africa: A Prospect for Development or Loss of African Identity

Gay right implies right of individual persons of the same sex to be legally bounded together in union. It now synonymous to that type of unionism which exists of the same gender (man to man, woman to woman). Recently, gay was legally initiated in some part of the world to allow their citizen to form a union with persons of the same gender. Usually, a union supposes to be between man and woman but in contrast now. “It is a unionism that exists between individual of thesame sex”, most countries still opt out of this development while many countries has already pass gay right into law

“However, the issue of gay right is very controversial as many condemn the act while some embrace it as a new development”. Hence, most countries in Africa forbid passing gay right into law and many of these countries including Nigeria has make gay practice punishable under the law. This is because; most African countries view gay practice as unafrican, unethical, animalistic, loss of pride, identity and dignity The African continents like any other continent of the world has their own identity, dignity and pride which enrich their cultural values. “Our pride in Africa is our culture; our identity is our colour while our dignity is our way of life”.
Out rightly, there is nothing bad in culture modification and allowing influx of other person’s cultural norms and ideal to complement indigenous cultural believes to move the world forward. “I learnt sometimes ago that culture is a way of life and it aligns and rooted in people philosophical believes which denote ideals of the society”. There is something unique about African people these include:
Their colour
Dressing styles
Dignity which form the basis of their way of life
“The current and deviation from normal way of typical African life of today is as a result of influx and conspiracy of foreign antics and cultural adulteration which impose their culture to out leave the normal pride, identity and dignity of typical African culture”.

“It is unfortunate today, most African has been blindfolded by foreign cultural antics to accept societal and cultural life that does depicts real African identity” for instance,
However, African have started to be ashamed of their real identity such as their skincolour through use of chemical formulated materials to torn their skin colour to more amplified universally acceptable feature losing their real identity
Also the typical African dressing style and fashion are fading away to foreign antics of fashion wears which do not reflect real African culture. Today, what did we notice on our street, people dresses half necked, guys start to compete with female for fashion materials such as hair style, the use of earrings and now for man…. That is crazy!!!
However, African has dignity and this reflect in our way of living and life. African societies have a tradition that is unique to all nooks and cronies of African continent. For instance, part of our dignity in African is “Respect” for one another which form basis of life , but today this has already been conspired  from us and what did we experience today?. I think you have a good answer to that even in your own household. Being disrespectful, in decent dressing, immoralities etc and now gay practice are all foreign cultural antics which contradicted our philosophical believe and cultural values in Africa

“It also good to note that, time has come for world leaders to know that it is un-human for any nation , continents or region to impose any culture on another people for any reasons which do not conform with their own cultural and philosophical ideals”
Gay practice is un-African and do not reflect real African culture. Therefore, any effort through any means of sanction and imposition should not be use to initiate it practice in African society as this will bring nothing than kiosks. Gay practice is a culture of a particular set of individual but this should not under threatening force on another  culture where it is consider as unacceptable to their own societal development.     
“It is a known fact that; African people are believed to be people who can not take care of their problems as a result of internal crisis rocking the continents in terms of bad leadership and poor governance”. However, the effort now by any foreign intervention should be on the basis of how to help most of these challenged African countries to overcome their economic and leadership challenges but not imposing and threatening these poor countries to adopt foreign cultural antics that is capable enough of distorting peace and societal instability that can extend their suffering
“Most of the problems in African past and now are due to intervention and adoption of certain offers accompany by these foreign antics that has kept them in this position for so long”
It is high time, Africans start to believe in their people, knowledge, culture, strength, government, technology and resources to solve their own problems instead of relying on foreign assistance that is usually conditioned with ‘clauses”  that has not able to fix their lingering problems since all this years  like gay right initiation in exchange for grants and aids  
I think the world should leave Africans alone with little political, economic and social intervention to solve their own problems instead of bringing all these ill social campaign” that can generate a lot of distraction and create social and political pandemonium in African society
All African countries should understand this, all developed countries in the world are self independent i.e. they do not buy foreign antics. They focus on how they can use what they have to help their own people.” African is the most blessed continents and yet the poorest continents” the basis of this “Animalistic act” offer in return for grant and aid that cannot solve their problems is not welcomed to African society”
However, how has foreign aids and grants given to Nigeria sort out the problems in their economy? Improve peoples standard of living, eliminate corruption , solve the problems of insecurity, fixed unemployment problems, improve transport system, solve power problems and resolve unending leadership problems…. “All these problems were there 30years ago when I was born unresolved till today despite the foreign aids and grants in exchange for introduction and adoption of foreign antics”. This problem is not only experience in Nigeria alone but many Africans countries faces similar problems if not worse
“The African continents have what it take to be among the world powers!!! Hence, but our ancestral dependence habit, inferiority complex, and slavery mentality are major barrier to our continental development”. African leaders should not forget about history which will be told about their contribution to Africans development. However, legalizing gay right in Africa should be a subject of choice from African people not by a threat and sanction to impose foreign antics on another peoples culture which contradict their philosophical and cultural believes. In African, we believe in our pride, recognize our real identity and cherish our dignity rather than adopting culture practice that contradict our real social, economic, political and religion African ideals, values and norms”

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