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Saturday, August 10, 2013

20 Pillars of Poverty, Major reasons why people are Poor

Throughout all over the world, poverty is a subject of taught and element of concern for economic planners. Although, the subject poverty is a relative concept that has multidimensional view and approach. It is a relative concept because of its diversionary understanding by individual’s i.e. the term poverty means different things to different people. It depends on which indices or indicators one want to use to interpret its outright meaning. It can be economic or non economic. Hence, for the sake of this discuss, I will  put forward economic related indicators that make people to be poor
Therefore, poverty from mere view of life understanding means state of being “poor”. Generally, this article will focused on mans standard of living and welfare”
However, a poor person is the one who is having little money with no hope of improvement, one who his/her lifestyle and welfare deserves “pity and sympathy” I mean one who his/ her way of life not good; of a quality that is low or lower than expected
All over the world today, individuals blame their poor condition on two victims

  •    The government

  •  Employers

Hence, there is no doubt that both government and employers determine the fate of household / economic status of individual but their other self inflicted factors that cripple the economic condition of individuals
Therefore, the following identified factor if not caution can subject one to poverty trap

  1. Accepting fate/ circumstances which are to be rejected

Majority of the people in the world today accept fate in their poor predicament blaming government for lack or insufficient social security and employers for wage increase refusal. Most  people invest their time blaming their circumstance on third party. To face real reality of life, you are part of the government and seemingly extended part of the industries i.e you are part of the problems
Therefore, accepting fate in the midst of crisis is inimical to existence of man hence have a rethink, charge your mind away from poverty and do all what is possible to create good life for yourself through changed of orientation and psychological reorientation of the mind. If the government is not good change the government and if the industry is the problem then create one to help the society

  1. Overdependence on employer and Government

Majority of people all over the world are employers and government dependent for source of livelihood. However, most of government nowadays faces many economic challenges due to mismanagement, as a result of this development, industries efficiency is affected and thus therefore leverage on labours and household to survive. Hence, government is battling with economic problems, industries confronting unending challenges then how come individuals will not be part of the problems. However, every individual need to understand that the world is becoming unreliable and unpredictable hence, what determine the fate of individual is what you are today which does not justify tomorrow
What you need to do!!!
Channel your own course of economic freedom, stop waiting for what others will offer you rather focus on what you can offer to the world. Remember, you may be better than Steve Jobs, Bill Gate and other world inventors even in your local area but you need a trials

  1. Environment

Where you live speak more of who you are and tell so much of what you are. A mans heart develop interest from what he sees, feel and touch. Remember in this case, you can never dream to own Porsche 911 cabriolet until you see one, touches it, and feel the pleasure accompany it usage. You may not dream to have a large corporation if you never see one before. However, your environment reflects who you are and reveal the personality in you.
Try to let your environment reflect who you are, if you reside in a particular place, try to experience other places too as this will go along way to elongate your aspiration and make you work harder to achieve more outcomes in life. Always let your environment reflect your personality if not then relocates

  1. College certificate

There are two types of education: classroom teaching (formal), street learning education (formal and informal). Therefore, the main aim of classroom education is to retrain and refine street ideology to make street education more productive and ideally generally acceptable to the society at large. Ironically, classroom teaching methodology focus on teaching the world in isolation without no some much reality while the men on the street understand the secrecy of the world. However, most of the classroom teachings focus more on irrelevances than applicable knowledge needed to survive in the competitive world
Therefore, a times education is the key to development no doubt about it but it must be taught in a right way!
I do not believe that spending four years or more in a university taking random classes is going to help you become wealthy. The degree you earn means almost nothing compared to the knowledge you acquired. Hence, spending much of your resources and time to acquires certificate that cannot sort you out economically is not a good development as this bring no good than stealing your future from you
More importantly, your prior education should be the wisdom of common sense and street smarts. Education will not outweigh experience, although if aligned properly to your life goals. It can become a great asset to your life

  1. Ignorance

This is a major threat of personal development. Ignorance is an opposite of education. It means state of not knowing I .e lack knowledge about a particular subject in this case “success”
However, how much do you  know about your country, environment, jobs, technology, the market where you operate whether as a business owner, employee?. How relevant are you in your choosing field given todays technology and modernization?. In this information age, how often do you interact and use the media etc
What you need to do?
Never stop learning and acquiring new skills relative to what you are doing. Always focus on getting and gathering new knowledge and technology about what you know so that you can continue to fit well in that field or profession. Never allow or wait until this dynamic ever changing world outdated your skill before you realize it. So keep yourself updated from time to time

  1. Not taking calculative risk

Atimes in life you need to take some level of risk to reach your goals. I once remember, to start a business alliance with someone I never meet before except on internet, initially, I was not sure of my confidence and so suspicious and afraid thinking of internet scams and fraud. But overtime, I implore scientific methodology to calculate my risk I discover that the risk is bearable. 

Today, it is one of the greatest risks I have ever take and it form one of my most profitable business till today. Do not be too afraid to take some level of risk especially those that the level of loss if occur can be predicted.
In everyday of life we take some risk unknowingly, for instance, the woman you met and marry is a risk because initially you are not certain of the outcome of the union. Also, if people like Steve jobs refused to take risk of leaving the college to establish Apple Corporation today, there will be no apple electronic gadget all over the world. If Bill gate also refuse to take some level of risk today there may be no establishment of Microsoft Corporation

The most interesting thing about life is that, life itself is a risk; therefore, do not be too rigid in your human relationship ideology by not trusting anyone but using the same ideology to determine opportunities with less risk that can change your life.
Don’t remain as you are because you don’t want to take some level of risk but move ahead with your life by observing and taking feasible calculative risk that can change your economic status like me. The life you live is a risk and you need a little reachable level of risk to be successful

“Be afraid when everyone invests; but invest when everyone is afraid” 

  1. Bad habit/ unacceptable way of life

Every man bears the cause and repercussion of his deeds and actions in life. Most of the things written in our “religion books” do and don’t are there for the fore and end benefit of man not for God” all the commandment in the bible for instance does not serve any good to God but if adhere to can help man to live in peace. Let take this example: smoking ….there is absolutely no point to smoking as it has no positive effect on your life. Aside from the health dangers that accompany it intake. The financial burden can become a habit, therefore , it is simply a poor choice that we make as individuals. Starbucks is also another habit that can create a small financial burden note this

$5 a day on cigarettes and $10 a day at starbucks equals about $450 per mouth which adds up to $5400 for the year one something that kill you and something else that make you an addict instead of helping you
However, if for instance, instead of throwing away $5400 on something that hurts your health, assuming you invest it into banking stocks that you bought at time low of $0.97 per unit share and thereafter sold them at high of $5.05 for a period of March to April of the same year, then you would have approximately $28,113. What a pity? Would you prefer $28,113 or smoking and coffee for a year?

The idea behind bad habit is that they are addictive and make it difficult to separate from them even when you decide to do so. The real decision lies within your own will power. You must find the power in you to something better that you enjoy more than the actual habit. Get rid of all religious, societal and economic bad habits that take your money unnecessary and reward you with ill health/ misfortune

  1. Marriage/family

This is the origin of every man, the origin of man might be his opportunity or a disadvantage to him. Some people are born in a wrong marriage, married a wrong spouse , or born in a family of no or little political and economic influence.
In this case, such people from these origin face a lot of challenges in an effort to reach the peak of their career. However, if this identify factor affect you this is what you can do

Wrong marriage
Any marriage or union which does not support your personal growth in terms of economic, religion, social and religion. I don’t think is worth embracing. The choice is yours. Decide on what to do. The most important thing is that unionism between husband and wife should support each other vision

Wrong family
This mostly affect people from broken marriage and divorcee. In this case, damage has been done already, the most important thing for you to do is to learn from the mistake of your parent and move on with your life. This is because if you fail, you will be tagged as a “failure” and how many people want to trace your failure to your upbringing?. But when you succeed, you can tell the whole world your story and people will listen to you. If you fail then you will live a miserable and regrettable life holding the blame on your parent that has their own life and hurdles so as you are. Do not blame anybody for your failure but hold yourself responsible

  1. Religion/ false doctrine 

Religion doctrine is a way of religion believing and perception design to guide man and his activities in a proper conduct that is most acceptable to “God” ….. I sound like a pastor that is cool!!
My observation about the world today and religion, there is a lot of deviation and confusion as many philosophies and ideologies have engulfed the religion terrain. There is a lot of discrimination and segregation of idea even among people of the same religion group to false people to loss social, political, economic and religion dignity to accept the so called falsified doctrine. Design not to satisfy the will of almighty but the personal wills and whims of individuals

However, individuals who believe and adopt these doctrines fuel their mind with philosophies that under turn their successful way of life. Most of these religion emperor private life contrast their own self believe and postulation. This is because their own way of life does not reflect what they preach. Their preaching is for their victims while they live their own way of life in private

Religion doctrine is to checkmate individual believes lifestyle without comprising the right of social, economic and political way of life. But nowadays, people are constrain and restrain by false doctrine and they are brainwash by false philosophies under preference and thus swindle their fulfill life from them. Therefore be careful of what you believe, hear, listen to and doctrine adopted. If what you are offer contradict your own and personal religion believe then is of no significance and inimical for your own development. We are to be blessed and fulfill with religion not to be enslave and be poor in the name of channeling the course of God.
Be warm!!!

  1. Bad friends/ companions / Associates

The companies and friends you keep is a reflection of your personality and seemingly one of the determining factors of how successful or not successful you are. It is a known fact that if you want to be successful then associates with successful people that have similar minds and interested in what you are doing. Ironically, if you also are surrounded  by failed individuals and people with negative philosophies known fully that you are going nowhere. It is good to follow people of the same mind, aspiration and vision like you so that in the time of success and trials, you can have a back up to move ahead

Watch the company, association and friends you keep
You need to know that, we are surrounding by people of full negativity. People who put down everything you say or do; people who simply don’t believe in anything others are doing or those who simply wont give something new a chance until its something big that others are doing. No matter where, what or when there is always some sort of rejection hanging around us so beware!

  1. Lack of personal development

We are living in a dynamic world where thing are changing everyday. Therefore, a success aspiring person must adapt to this change. Drop old philosophies, methodology, technology, mentality, product, doctrine etc and embrace this millennium innovation.
Whatever what you are doing, adapt to new changing world techniques and make yourself relevant. Attend further training when necessary; use the opportunity of workshop and seminar to learn new techniques of what you are doing.
What you need to know is that, you have cripple your career if you don’t embrace personal development in your choosing field. This is because; the skills and technology you have and know today may not be relevant tomorrow. So beware of this as it will go along way to determine how successful you will be

  1. Not helping others

Life is full of problems ins and out. Therefore, everybody needed to be fully aware of this and hence be “problem minded” the significance of government is to help citizen overcome their challenges and employers help others by providing basis for employment opportunity. In life , all and sundry should remember that problems is part of mans existence. The most important thing is to find a way of overcoming our challenges. However, when you help others to solve their problems in the process you are also solving your own problems.the problem you can solve the better you are.

However, when you feel indifference to helping others reaching their goals therefore you are also scaring yourself away from your own dreams. Helping others in this case is not necessarily on “free service syndrome” but your ability to provide answers to people problems.  Whatever what services you providing for people is on inform of assistance in which the reward may be monetary or non economic but failure to do this will take you further away from realizing your own dream

  1. Too much of caution

Caution is part of risk management mechanism adopted by most individuals. Caution is good as it help us to minimize our risk of committing errors and mistake. At the same time embracing too much of caution where prompt action is needed is inimical to success attainment. The most important thing is for one to be vigilant and proactive in reaching conclusion of things but take necessary action when necessary

Many people have missed several career opportunities because of too much of caution in taken action. What is most important is that; train your mind only to apply caution when the need arises. I have onces reported in this article that you need a reachable level of risk to make headway in life. Only apply caution when action you want to take required high level of risk that the outcome can,t be predicted. This is important to your success in life.

  1. Wrong use/ media addiction

The media today especially the internet is a new world where social, economic and political interaction takes place. No doubt, it has help to overcome challenges of many years ago such as barrier of distance, communication and electronic business and social development.

It also no doubt that, the internet especially it use by individual for different reasons, purpose and objectives. “It is either use for prospects or for creating problems” how did you use the internet? Abusively or wisely”. The emergence of social media today has robbed people productive hours from them. Many people invest time and money on things of irrelevances over the internet without knowing it. Abuse of internet and wrong use of it can deprive  people of their productive time and thus waste their productive age doing something of inrrelevance.
Instead of abusing the internet and wasting your productive hours unnecessarily, you can use the interface to your advantage and thus overcome the barrier of poverty

  1. Family background

This is rooted in upbringing of individuals. Family background tells so much about biological, social and economic history of individuals. Although using economic status as criteria, family background can either be rich, middle class or core poor... Individuals from rich and middle class background have more economic prospect than the respective core poor. This is because the rich and middle class can leverage on their family assets to start or sustain their life unlike the core poor who lack basic assets to leverage on and thus life becomes extremely difficult for this individual.
However, if you are condition in this situation you are likely to face so many challenges and career limitation but with so much dedication and aspiration this challenges can be over turn. Therefore, embrace the desire for change and never allow your background disadvantage to limit your dream and aspiration

  1. Not Accountable

Accountability implies careful monitoring of your financial resource by taking note and record of all expenses and income you earn. This is one of most important factor that affect individual financial buoyancy. Many of us are poor in management of finances. We pay less attension to financial monitoring of our daily ins and out. We refuse to take record of our learning and expenses and a such we fail to reach logical conclusion in determining the real competence of our financial status

It is good to note that, if you want to live above poverty line then you need to learn to take record of all your finances, so that you can take caution not to allow your spending outleave your income which can subject you to live the rest of life as a pauper!

  1. Rigid decision and livelihood without flexibility

Many people are one way focused person with no alternative option. Remember, you save yourself from so many problems in life, if your decision is substituted with several alternative (having plan B) do not put all your hope in a single channel of expectation and thus safe yourself from lingering disappointment that can adversely affect your personality. Nevertheless always support your main plan with alternative option incase things does not work the way you plan

Remember, if you are hire worker, you may be fire and if you are a business owner never forget that given risk and uncertainty, a success business can crash, in this case what will you do? Therefore, always diversify your means of livelihood to free yourself from traumatic outcome that life can bring at any time!

  1. Embracing self limitation

This is a self inflicting barrier usually embrace by people of limited vision and success ideologist. These are set of individual person who never thought or set successful goals. Their life is devoid of any feasible aspiration. They are always contented with every situation regardless of the economic defects. No matter what defect you may think you have, do not limit yourself, knowing fully that, there is something great and peculiar about you. Hence, build on your sense of aspiration and take you mind away from self inflicting limitation that can draw you away from being successful

  1. Lack of aspiration

Aspiration is an element of vision and vision drive success. Being inspired means having desire and passion to succeed despite all odds. Many people remain where they are because of lack of aspiration to drive change of personal status. You can’t improve your condition of living, work etc without aspiring to be. So in a real life context, my people do not hope for anything good in life thus accept their present circumstance and condition without any plan for brighter future
Before you can succeed in life or in whatever what you are doing, you need to develop and implement circumstance that well rooted in great aspiration. The aspiration you have will increase your desire to succeed despite all odds or circumstance but if you fail to enhance the tentacles of your aspiration you are likely to remain where you are for life

  1. No clear and realistic vision

Successful people are men of many visions with great ideas and inventions. This is individual who do not depend only on their vision but also sacrifice to make the vision of others counted. This are individual at the top who work hard to get there and people with no realistic vision follow a road already created in which the destination is predetermined by another vision

Men and women of no clear and realistic vision are just like blind, deaf and dump leading battalion of soldiers to war front. What are you expecting? I believe with sincerity that adequate preparation should be put in place for mass burial!!!
If your life devoid of realistic vision, your life is not on course because such individual cannot achieve anything great in life except by luck which is not always there! Hence you need a clear and realistic vision to take your live to the next level.

In summary,

 Many visionaries had ideas and invention that were shut down and ridiculed. These are same entrepreneurs we appreciate seeing on the cover of Forbes magazine today. The real question is not only if your vision is the key to success, instead what are you willing to sacrifice to make the vision come to life?

It is said that those at the top have worked the hardest to get there and that others are simply following a road already predetermined by another vision. As an entrepreneur or visionary, we really do not enjoy following a road with a predetermined destination. Instead we create our own road as we travel through various experiences in life, hoping to reach our own destination. As expected, creating a road is much more difficult than walking on someone else road that has already been paved and therefore will required a great deal of dedication, determination and sacrifice to build. Try this and see yourself leaving a fulfill life without fear of poverty
Sylvester Olorunsomo

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