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Thursday, August 8, 2013

College Certificate, A Prospect or Deficit for College Graduate

When I was growing up as a young child, I taught the circumstances surrounding my household economic competence bores down on the fact that I was brought up by parent who are less educated and therefore could not attain the peak of their potentials as a result of their inability to earn those mouth watering degrees that could earn us a good living

Hence, as time goes by, the heritable mentality adopted from my background then was that, “life is nothing without college education”. Ironically, at this period college graduate tends to live a significance appreciable life better than so called people without much education. At this time, the general assumption and veritable controversial conclusion is that, sending children to college, earn degree, get good job and live better life 

Therefore, these poor parent trade off their investment, resources and freedom to send their children to college, get all the degree but the question is that, as their objective being realize? “YES” but has it being fulfill? “NO”
In the college, we learnt all sort of things that are formulated and postulated by our fellow human beings whether it is applicable or not. We were made to believe all sort of things that are real in the classroom but in reality does not real in the real world. We spent many years studying theories; laws and prediction that is only relevant as document which is not applicable or on application are not capable of yielding any physical and give realistic result.

I thought I remember living the college as somebody of embodiment of attraction to all entrepreneurs and corporation. Few months after graduation, I discover that the world of college is quite different from the real world. Month to month ,I  discover that , with all the years spent in college , one still needed to undergo series of real life practical training before you can be employ by anyone who care to hire you.

However, my experience as job seekers reminds me of the whole essence of all the documented classroom training in the college. The years spent in the college is of what significance? When somebody of less education but of enviable experience have to start training for graduate on a particular profession upon your college degrees. What a pity?
Hence, surfing the world on this basis reminds me of the real meaning of education which I will simplify define as the process of training your reasoning or process of acquiring useable and applicable knowledge. How much of college education today are useable and applicable to challenge the dynamic nature of the world ? The world I was made to believe in college is quite different from the real world I know now

This reminds me, that most of the major breakthrough in the world today in every sphere of life was spearheaded by those who might be unlucky to have made it to college or the so called “college dropouts” who drop out of classroom boring historical and analytical training to embrace real world technical and practical based training.

It is high time for the whole world to realize that any knowledge acquired in the classroom that can’t be use to solve common human problems on the street is as good as nothing. However, effort must be made to tailor classroom education to align with what is obtainable for human advancement
The Dilemma!!!
Ironically, most of successful entrepreneurs today (employers) that posses the most largest corporation in the world are those with “second class education”
I.e. the non college graduate. Ideally, these are respective individuals who have been exposed to real education of life and have therefore tailored their knowledge towards improving and building a sustainable world. These are unique, vibrant educators who study the real world, understand and therefore implement the result of their observation to move the world forward
No wonder, these individuals after perfecting their discovery hereby uses the college graduate as a tool to propagate their accomplishment

In today's world, college graduate are “confused, blind and had lost focused” in some years back, unemployment is a threat to certain region of the world but nowadays nearly every region of the world is battling and confronting the malice of unemployment…………..where do we go from here?
Leaving the college as a confident young graduate with inbuilt classroom trained mentality but as I faced the real world, the confidence begin to out-leave me…..why?
I thought of these few reasons
1.     The population of the world has increase more than usual, this has lead to  orientation shift to adoption of classroom education building capacity with less individual embracing innovative and technical education which can create avenue for adoption of classroom trainee and thus create a wide gap between school trainees and practicing entrepreneurs
2.     Also, colleges continue to breed more trainees without any intention to build in them necessary innovative skills to join existing innovators to create economic ground for more opportunities
3.     Similarly, the existing innovators are aware of the facts that most incoming school trainees lack basic physiological knowledge and skills of the world in getting result giving uncertainty and risk of ever changing dynamic world. As a result of this, inventors focus on developing mechanical and technological device in which with likely less cost , can produce more profitable result than adopting college graduate with a doubt of competence
4.     However, in a nutshell, these duo of mechanical and technological devices has replace human needs in some of these industries thus creating a supply gap between college trainee and industrial masters 

Although, most government of this world focus on development of classroom education more than technical and problems solving skills which can help to put the society in order by creating more economic atmosphere  but only focus on training folks with classroom irrelevances that cannot make significant impact in the life of the certificate holder nor the society at large

In today's world, only few hands are needed to put things in order in our industries because of most activities carry out by man labour has been replace by mechanical devices therefore less hands are needed. Most of institution today focuses turning more workers for industries without focusing on breeding respective individuals that can build industries”
However, its no doubt today that, most people thinks towards being employ without no intention or taught of creating employment for others. Hence, the employers are readily aware of this and are prolifically ready to take advantage of this situation. Going by my classroom intuition, I learnt that when there is more labour than what is needed, it lead to absurd of labour supply and this reduce bargaining power of labour

However, this is the situation we have found ourself in the world today!!!
 I really remember leaving the four wall of the college with expectation at high side of getting employment by one of the largest corporation around. “Most of the training we got for years and mentality build in us is to get the best grade from college, get good job and live a good life”

Having done with the college now, what is the fate of college graduate?
My first experience as employee in a paid job give me an indication of the fate of a young graduate in the hands of employers……..recalling my ordeal, I wonder why my college trainers have not explain the following to me!!!

  •   Enlighten me on the danger ahead of many years invested in the college only to be trained to live in the fate of others
  •   Critically explain to me , the real difference between business owner and hire labour
  •  I wish I was told that, being employ is to be train to build another persons future, finance, wealth, prestige, freedom and integrity of others living my own dreams behind
  •   I wish I have been told that by being employ implies helping others to reach their goal while leaving my own career in shambles
  •   I wish I have been told that being employ I work for people of less education, hire and subject to be fired
  •  I wish I have learnt that , being hired I will experience employers having no intension of salary payment with excuse of no sales while he flaunt around in latest cars and others expensive lifestyle
  • I wish it is written on my “ticket of enslavary” THE CERTIFICATE. That it will enable me to sell my personality, time, freedom, talent, career, vision and values for non productive price that does not match my time, effort and contribution to another person advancement and downturn of my own career

Are you like me? SORRY! Not like me CONGRATULATION!!
What did you think about these people? Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, Bill Gate, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry page, Sergey etc
I think they are all college graduate…..if that is true you can decide
At this juncture, are you ready to take charge of your life, time, talent, career, freedom, profit and losses?
Are you still overdependence or dependence on your college degree for miracle to happen?
What are you afraid of?
Not having a legacy?
Not providing for yourself nor your family?
Never achieving your goals?
Not knowing what your purpose is?
Note this,
There is no one that can change your life except you choose to do. Therefore, make starting today and changes comes by adopting and observing these philosophies
1.     Let go of your fears
2.     Make better choices
3.     Become the driver of your life and actions
Although, being rich and wealthy is a choice, just as being deprived and penniless. I have often said it overtimes that choice defines who we are and how far we get in life. The choices we make define the level of success we achieve. Though in reality, however, people do not always chose to be rich or successful; instead they choose to be inferior and the common average person in the society without even realizing it
Sylvester Olorunsomo
watch this exciting video of Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address 

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