Speak your Mind

Speak your Mind

Saturday, August 17, 2013


As a student of history, I learned that the British merged the country together simply and practically for purpose of reducing the cost of administration of the three major regions of the country, Nigeria, that is, Northern, Eastern and Western region respectively. They never and didn’t put into consideration the different cultures and ethnicities, their life style, general outlook to life, religion affiliation, and the rest other variables (variances) and factors that make each ethnic group unique in its overall outlook to life.

In the midst of all of these, Nigeria was amalgamated in 1914 by Lord Fredrick Lugard, the then British Administrator of Nigeria. In my own personal opinion, I wonder then, why the British could not granted each region (north, east& west) their individual and separate autonomy to govern themselves as it was done in the case of Northern Rhodesia (Zambia), Southern Rhodesia(Zimbabwe) and Nyanzaland (Malawi) couple with the presence of natural boundary of River Niger in the country.  
Born out of insensitivity and lack of consideration, for the people that make up the entity call Nigeria, the clash of their differences (point of views), is the result of gross embezzlement of public fund corruption, dishonesty, lies, misappropriation of public fund, nepotism, favoritism, injustice, moral decadence, breakdown of value system, lawlessness, misplacement of priority, youth joblessness, uncaring attitude of Government toward her citizens, etc we have be experiencing since independence.

The British introduced class system into public administration, and it was handed over to Tafawa Balewa (a Northerner) in October 1st 1960 (Independence Day), our first prime minister. If it is not so, how would one explain some group considering themselves to be born to rule and not to lead?
Now, ironically, every juicy position and job placement are reserved and shared as slot among this class and their relatives especially, in the public administration irrespective of merit or qualification.

In summary, we have to bear in mind the natural selfishness of man, which lead Europeans to spread over the world for greener pasture-that is, to escape injustice from church domination of 15th century and bad leaders over their in Europe, therefore, you don’t expect them to want to treat you without prejudice and equality, especially with racial discrimination believe of an average white man. 

“To keep their industries running in their home country, Europeans came together and held a meeting in Berlin (1888) where Africa countries were divided officially among themselves to be governed, explored, exploit and transport Africa mineral resources and farm produce such as cocoa and groundnut. They dictate both the buying price of the raw-materials and equally dictate the selling price of the finished products”

Therefore, the only way out of Nigeria predicament is to spend money on human capital development, for Nigeria Government to harness its both human and natural resources for overall development of the nation. Youth empowerment is very key.  No foreign direct investment can do this except we ourselves being ready to do this. We should love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Don’t think evil of your fellowman, be an advocate of be your brothers’ keeper and we shall see that the country shall be great. Good value system, provision of basic infrastructure, assistance by Government in providing basic necessities such housing and subsidizing of prices on food. Job creation for her teeming youths through farm settlement, technical training and establishment of youth inspiration and permanent exhibition centre.

Article written by Olutunde Oladipupo
Public Opinion Commentator

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