Every marketing plan needs to include an industry analysis. Why? Because it is of critical importance to understand the industry you operate in, and to identify and track your performance to key business success factors (KSFs) for your organization.
Understanding your industry and identifying your KSFs will help in building a successful marketing plan; one that is based on measurable progress and results. A key success factor is an element of a whole that affects your business' ability to do well in your market. Most businesses focus on between three and five of the most important (to their business) success factors. From time to time, or year to year, these key success factors may change, as the industry or the market changes.
Understanding your industry and identifying your KSFs will help in building a successful marketing plan; one that is based on measurable progress and results. A key success factor is an element of a whole that affects your business' ability to do well in your market. Most businesses focus on between three and five of the most important (to their business) success factors. From time to time, or year to year, these key success factors may change, as the industry or the market changes.
1. Study every day
One of the core messages that I learned during the weekend was, that you should study every day at least 30 minutes.
I know that I haven’t been that active on studying lately, because of the blog launch project I had this spring and the extensive amount of exercising every day. However, I started again with this habit by reading a book called Life’s Echo by Oddmund Berger (we got this book in the seminar as a bonus).
There are also many other self-help books that is on my queue waiting to be read, but this was a good start.
How to apply:
Not only is it helpful to study material directly related to your topic where you operate (your niche), but also it is beneficial, when it comes to growing yourself.
Dedicate at least some moments (30 minutes minimum) every day for learning new – whether it is related to your personal growth or sharpening a new skill that you need in your online business.
For example, you could learn about productivity to improve your output or how to convert more people to your e-mail list.
Also, you should re-read the books you have read earlier, because you will get something new out of them every time you do that.
“Study every day for at least 30 minutes
2. Meditate and visualize
Mediation was seen as a way to improve the voice of intuition. Especially when you have to make decision and you are not sure of which path to choose, you should follow your intuition. The stronger the intuition, the easier it is to follow it.
If you have hard time of following the intuition, you should meditate, so that the “inner noise” would quiet down and that it would be easier to hear your intuition.
Visualization was also one of the very important messages that we got across. If I remember correctly, Sandra mentioned, that one should visualize two times per day (15 minutes sessions), and focus on the outcome that you want to achieve.
I have started this process, although I’m only doing it once per day at least for now.
How to apply:
Learn how to meditate and do it on a daily basis. Meditation doesn’t have to take long time if you don’t want to. Just couple of minutes (at least in the beginning) is enough.
Spend some time on visualizing your goals every day too. This helps you to see the outcome and you know much more vividly the goal you are reaching.
“Learn how to meditate and do it on a daily basis
3. Positive thinking
It is very easy to get caught thinking negative thoughts which creates even more negative thoughts and events to your everyday life. It is like a vicious cycle, where there is no way out.
On the other hand, if you focus on the positive side of things, you will start to see the possibilities around you.
Although I’m an optimistic person by nature, this was yet again a good reminder that it always pays to think positive.
How to apply:
Have you got any feedback lately that you felt negative about? Maybe you should see the other side of the coin too by figuring out, is there a way to improve my business?
For example, if you were about to be laid-off, it would be easy to dwell in your negative thoughts and blame everyone for the situation. However, once you take a look at the positive side of things, you can see that even this kind of event could bring you new opportunities and set your path in life to a new, much better direction that what it was before.
“If you focus on the positive side of things, you will start to see the possibilities around you.
4. Work towards your dreams without knowing the how
One of the key lessons I learned was, that if you have a dream, you don’t have to know how to get there or how to do it – all the necessary elements and events will eventually fall into place, which guide you in your journey.
How to apply:
There is a famous saying which goes like this: “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”. This has proved to be true for many times for me.
The fact is that you don’t need to know everything, nor is it necessarily possible when you start out. By seeking advice on forums, blogs, Facebook or Twitter, you are going to find someone, who possesses those skills you are looking for. Or, like what has happened lately is, that many people are offering personal coaching to help you out.
By investigating the online world further, you can most probably find help on your next project or learning a new skill. The help is out there – all you have to do is just ask!
“If you have a dream, you don’t have to know how to get there or how to do it – all the necessary elements and events will eventually fall into place
5. Aim higher
Many people move on by setting low goals, based on the previous performance they got. I have to admit, that I have done the same. However, you should set big goals, because you are able to reach them the same way as you would those smaller goals.
Quantum leaps are possible and if you believe in what you do, you can achieve even the biggest dreams. Why limit yourself to small goals when you can dream big?
In this context, a book called You 2 (You Square) was mentioned, which talks about quantum leaps and how to make them. I have already ordered that book from Amazon and I’m looking forward to learning more of this topic.
How to apply:
Decide to set a goal (for example a figure) and then increase it even. When you reach that goal, you will realize that it could have been even higher.
For example, I’m currently getting 1000 visitors to this blog. Now, applying this lessons that I learned, let me put my goal to have 2000 3000 6238 monthly visitors by the end of this year. Let’s see how things turn out by 31st of December, 2011 J.
I know that the figure is just an arbitrary one and an outrageous even (yeah … call me crazy J), but we will never see if it comes to reality or not – without setting a clear figure first and knowing it is possible!
“Why limit yourself to small goals when you can dream big
6. Your attitude is the key to your success
This lesson was talked over and over again: it is your attitude dictates your success. Your attitude is made of your thoughts, feelings and actions.
Bob talked about this in his own separate lesson and this is the same topic that is being taught by Earl Nightingale decades earlier. In fact, Earl has a great video about this on YouTube.
How to apply:
There is a great quote by Henry Ford and it goes like this:
“If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”
If think that you are not going to make it on your online business, you are not good enough or that you don’t have anything to give to people, you are probably right. But when you change your thinking a bit, you will see that those statements are not true and vast opportunities open for your.
Change your attitude and the success is closer than you ever thought!
“Your attitude dictates your success
7. Filter out bad messages
Although this lesson wasn’t brought up that much, I felt it was very important to include here.
What I mean is that one should filter out the bad messages which affect you mind. Exclusively, this means the negative stuff like news, newspapers or just plain silly information (for example celebrity gossips).
How to apply:
Cut down the time you spend on mainstream media like newspapers or news. The less negative input goes into your mind, the less it will affect it.
Although I still watch news, I have cut down the times dramatically from what they were before. I realize, that there is so much else that I can do (like work on my business) than watching news, which only takes my time and makes me depressed.
“Filter out the bad messages which affects you mind
8. Don’t let anyone steal your dreams
I remember that especially Sandra talked about this topic extensively.
This comes down to our childhood, where we learn the limiting attitudes and roles from our parents and other adults (like teachers at school).
As kids, we feel that anything is possible and we even say what we want aloud and proud, for example “I want to be an astronaut”.
Later in life you start hearing these comments which let you down, like: “Don’t be foolish” or “Stop dreaming”. That’s when the kids “come to senses” and “start thinking realistic”.
The same happens in the adulthood as well. In fact, it seems that it is even more difficult to talk about your dreams, without anyone putting you down. That’s why it is essential to do your thing, be proud of it and do not let anyone steal your dreams.
How to apply:
If you have a dream, be proud of it and don’t let anyone talk you out of it. For example, if your goal is to quit your day job and start earning your living full-time online by doing what you love to do, keep that goal in mind all the time.
Even when you mention about it to your friends and they try to talk you out of it, realize, that they want you to give up your dream. Instead, keep your head and work every day towards your dream.
“Be proud of your dream and don’t let anyone steal it
9. Faith
Many times we start working for something, but it turns into reality later in our life. Even if we don’t get any concrete results in the beginning, we “know” that things are going to become successful later down the road if we just keep on working. This “knowing” is faith.
Faith means trusting something invisible – if you have a strong faith towards success, it will come to reality at some point.
How to apply:
For example, I know that currently I don’t earn consistent, full-time income from my online business. However I know that things will change and I will become very successful at some point. That’s why I’m working on my business on a daily basis.
“Faith means trusting something invisible – if you have a strong faith towards success, it will come to reality at some point.
10. Progression is success
Oddmund talked about this topic and for me realizing this sentence, was quite a personal sensation: Progression is success.
The success is not necessarily reaching your goal – it is the progression that you make towards it. So, every time you move forward on your path towards your goal, it is success.
How to apply:
Appreciate and cherish your accomplishments! For example, I just broke the 1000 visitor limit on my blog and I am super-happy about it! Or, earning dollars online for the first time and getting a ClickBank cheque, was another milestone that I have just reached. I’m happy about that too!
Every time you broke a record or achieve something – whether it is how many visitors your got on your blog or how many new subscribers to your e-mail list have opted-in, it is a progression and success. Eventually, that progression takes you to your goal.
“Progression is success
11. Change your paradigm
This was one of the fundamental things that Bob taught us. It is our paradigms that control everything in our life: for example how we spend our time or how we earn money.
By changing your paradigms, new opportunities start to emerge and a whole new world opens in front of us.
How to apply:
The best way to change your paradigms is to learn and study every day. Reading a book (or joining a training program) gives new perspectives to a certain topic and you will see things differently than in the beginning.
“Our paradigms that control everything
12. You can be anything you want
Bob was dropped out of high school after couple of months and barely had any money for living. Now he is a millionaire, doing seminars and public speaking around the world. He said many times, that “if I can do it, anyone can do it”.
You can be anything you decide to, when putting your mind and heart into it. As I mentioned in lesson #4, you shouldn’t worry about the how. It will come to you as you go.
How to apply:
The most fascinating part of setting goals – especially in a field that we do not have any experience of – is that if you put your mind to it and are passionate about the topic, you will eventually become the one you want to be.
Never put yourself down by saying things like “I don’t know anything about this” or “I don’t know how to do that” or “he/she is much better than me”. If you keep studying, applying the new knowledge in practice and gain new experiences, you will become the one you want to be.
“You can be anything you decide to, when putting your mind and heart into it
We enjoyed the seminar and it was nice of seeing and meeting like-minded people. Also, seeing powerful presenters on the stage was just awesome.
This is definitely not the last time we attend to a seminar like this and we are looking forward to learning more lessons like this in the future.
Share your experiences of attending a seminar. Have you seen any big names presenting on the stage? What personal development lessons did you learn? Can you apply them to your business?
“Please share this information in the comments area.
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Best of luck!
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