Speak your Mind

Speak your Mind

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ideas on How to Find What the Purpose of Life is For You

Life Purpose and Life Intentions

Though both can be valuable, there is a difference between life purpose and life intentions. Your life purpose is generally a single statement related to the overall reason that you feel you are here. What is the greater purpose behind your being alive? Why are you here in the world? 

Life intentions are any number of profound statements about the way you want to live your life. How do you want to be and act in the world right now and in each moment? When you are confronted with major challenges, on what core principles do you want to base your decisions and actions? 

Both life purpose and life intentions can be rich and valuable in helping to move through the challenges life brings us, though some will prefer focusing on one over the other. If you find this process somewhat challenging, you might do best to focus on one first. Choose whichever feels right and best to you. Later you can always come back and work on the other.
What is the purpose of life for you? Finding and clarifying your life purpose and core life intentions can help you to move with greater focus and clarity every day of your life. Especially in these challenging times, setting clear intentions and developing and refining our life purpose can make it much easier to navigate stormy waters. 

There are many ways to both find and develop your life purpose and intentions. Below are a number of useful resources to help you on this path of discovery. This information is provided to inspire you to be all that you can be and to lead an ever richer, fuller life.
A great way to start exploring your life purpose and intentions is to stop for a moment and ask yourself these two key questions:
What is most important to me in my life?
What are my deepest values and beliefs?
Give yourself time to explore these important questions and notice what touches and inspires you most deeply. Write down any answers or thoughts that come to you as you ponder these questions. Then use what you've written as a basis upon which to craft your life purpose and intentions. Consider also inviting divine guidance and your own inner wisdom to help you with this. 

Once you find and develop your life purpose and intentions, consider finding a good place to post them. Review them each day upon awakening in the morning to help you move more effectively and powerfully through the day. In difficult situations, check to see if your life purpose or one of your intentions can give you direction to navigate through the stormy waters. By frequently reminding yourself of your purpose and intentions, you become more focused and effective in building a brighter future for yourself and for all around you.

Remember that this key piece in your path to self-discovery is an evolving process. Nothing needs to be set in stone. One day while reviewing what you've written, you may find new wording that better expresses what it is you really want deep down. Or one of your intentions may no longer feel so important, while another surfaces to take its place. Unlike goals, which are future oriented, life intentions are for the present. They can change in accordance with changes and new realizations inside of you. When you live life to its fullest, you are a constantly developing work of art.
Best of luck!

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