Speak your Mind

Speak your Mind

Monday, November 18, 2013

Success is a Matter of Determination

The very first step to achieving success is being determined and motivated. This makes determination the key to success. Without determination, success is just but a faraway dream. It is the force originating from within you that seeks to bring out the potential in you and drive you to your destiny.

It is the desire of many to achieve success but a determined person is never satisfied until he gets what he is after. Determination is what motivates one to strive and work hard towards success; therefore without it one tends to walk blindly and without purpose.

Determination almost guarantees success. Being fully determined is already success in itself. The rest just follows smoothly. This is because once you have set your mind on something and you really are willing to get it at whatever cost, the body just follows and does as the mind wills. Someone who is strong-minded to get something will always get it at all cost.

I heard somebody once say that you can always get what you want if you want it badly enough. This is very true and agrees with the saying that 'where there is a will, there is a way'. If you really have a desire to achieve success in life realize there are sacrifices that you will have to take. Nothing in life comes easy.

Determination goes hand in hand with courage and confidence. You will need to trust the great strength that lies within you and believe that you can do it. There is unlimited potential in each one of us but it is up to us to activate the same. Utilize your full potential and you are definitely guaranteed of success.

The Power Of Determination

A Chapter from the book "Think Success" by Jayaram V
In the end determination is what carries you towards your goals. If man has walked on the Moon or is going to land on Mars someday, it is because of our determination to extend our presence far beyond the earth, by surmounting the difficulties and increasing our knowledge and awareness about ourselves, our existence and the universe in which we live. Determination means having the ability to stay on course, to remain focused on your goals, to stand up to the problems and obstacles with conviction, to be fixed and firm about your decisions, solutions and intentions and to apply the power of your will to your dreams and desires with firm resolve, grit, fortitude, faith and courage.
If there is one gift that you can give to yourself in your life to be what you want to be, it is the power of determination. Without it you are a mere passive spectator in the drama of your life.
If there is one trait that makes a difference between a winner and a loser or a leader and a follower, it is the power of determination. Without it, you may dream wild dreams, but you will not accomplish much in life.
“If you have determination nothing can stop you and nothing can deter you from following a particular course of action to achieve your goals or realize your dreams”.
Impediments may come and delay your progress. They may halt your progress, disturb you temporarily, may even lead you astray for some time, but they cannot withstand the sustained pressure and energy of strong determination. It is the power that you generate within yourself to hold on tenaciously to the course of action you have chosen and to march forward towards your cherished goals.
Determination is one of the most valuable assets you can have in your life. If you have it, you will have everything you want in your life. “You are successful or unsuccessful to the extent you are determined and committed to your goals”.
We can do anything we want to, but only if we have the unwavering strength of determination, the conviction that we will reach the goals we have chosen, and we have the freedom to choose and decide the kind of life we want to pursue.
With faith in God and confidence in yourself, and with strong determination, you can achieve the impossible, realize the most difficult dreams and achieve excellence and incredible success in your life.
Remember this formula. Write it down somewhere in your organizer, notebook, journal, computer, or diary, which you refer occasionally.
Success = Idea + Determination.
Idea - Determination = Wishful thinking, fantasy, a waste of time and valuable resources.
Take up a project or work for some goal, only if you are hundred percent sure that you have the will and the energy to stick with your plans and maintain your focus, whatever may be the difficulties, obstacles, and complications that may arise during its execution.
When a focused mind and a disciplined character work in unison, with the power of determination, what can stop such a powerful combination of forces in the world? Who can push back such a determined pair of warriors, marching ahead in unison, singing the song of victory? So why not start today, with the power of determination to realize your goals and carve your path to success?

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