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Monday, December 16, 2013

10 Great Lessons to learn from Nelson Mandela’s life and Death

Insight video from Nelson Mandela funeral farewell in Qunu yesterday

Ezone Events

Mandela was born like all men but choose to live the way he wanted to lived and be remembered after his demise. Ideally, even in death his work speaks for him. Mandela saw the wrong in his society and amidst all challenges and discomfort he determined to correct the wrong and put his society in forefront of organized nation of the world. He identifies the wrong, define it and decide to rectify the wrong and today the whole wide appreciate him even in death. The effort of this anti-apartheid leader put an end to aged long problem in his home country.
At Ezone Events, we believe the following lesson can be learnt from life and death of Mandela

1.     There is a vision to be accompanished by Everyone
Everyone on earth is on a particular mission whether good or bad in which you can choose which one you want. The most important thing is for you to identify what your vision is and do all that is possible to see it being accompanished. Like we strongly believed, there is something unique about everyone which must be proof to the whole wide world and I believe Nelson Mandela prove this to be true. The turn is yours!

2.     Good vision must be peoples oriented not by selfishness
During the time of anti-apartheid era, Mandela I believed can shield himself and protect his own family interest alone in the expense of all other blacks in South Africa. This great man because his vision is peoples oriented not self-oriented he didn’t allow himself to be used and comprise the interest of his own people despite the antics of the apartheid ambassadors. Unlike what we have in most other Africa countries today like Nigeria where most of human right volunteers representatives are just mere representatives of their own pocket not really minding the right of their people. However, when your vision is not peoples oriented, it might not bring desire result, it increase peoples suffering, cannot stand the test of time and at the end might not worth celebrated.

3.     Good vision must be future inclusive
Mandiba does not only taught of his present generation as at that time or else the deal must have been  negotiated and the suffering of his people will continue later but this great philosopher envisioned to build a nation whereby racial discrimination will be futuristically prohibited. He believes that there is need to demand for future society whereby everybody will have his place despite the origin, colour, ideology, philosophy, and education and religion differences. Therefore, any good vision must be great and impactful now and the nearest future

4.     In all things put others first and yourself later
This philosophy works in a simple term: if you put others first and yourself later then people will put you first in all things. However, Mandela sacrifices his personal freedom for 27years with deep struggle to liberate his people. I believe this is one of the greatest prices that anyone can pay to show his love to his people and to safe his own nation. In all things you do put others first and hence at appropriate time people will put you first.

5.     Leadership does not start from the top but from the bottom
Mandela starts from his people, fought and save his generation before he was given a mandate to serve. How many Africa leaders pay this type of gruesome price even few that does that did it in their own term to achieve selfish goals. A good leader must start with his own people, feel what they feel, fight for their freedom, liberate them in a peaceful manner and allow the people to nominate him for the position of leadership if they want.

6.     Do not take off your eye from the suffering of your people
When you see your own people suffering the course of any injustice, stand up and defend their right. Mandela was not the only educated black that time before taken up struggles to end the crisis. He just felt uncomfortable with the situation despite that the circumstances might leave him unaffected. His major focus is not all about himself but his people to the next generation

7.     There is no gain without pain and no freedom without sacrifice
Mandela spent 27years in jailed to fight national course for humanity. However, with this, there is nothing you can achieve just on the platter of gold, “there is always a price to pay to justify a course”. This philosophy is applicable to all spheres of human life: success, education, marriage, business, politics etc

8.     Do not give up on your right course no matter the challenge to it
I believed Mandela must have known the effect of his struggle for justice before embarking on it but he never give up. Lesson to learn from this is that, whatever what is acceptable by all which constitute part of peoples dream, hold on to it and move ahead to make it a reality. Do not be distracted by hindrances, hiccups that can opt this dream from realization. Mandela believes in his dreams to fight this course not forgetting that he has to sacrifice himself or freedom to achieve it. He makes it and you too can! Good dreams align with tribulation

9.     War for war is not the answer to all problems
Conflict is part of human existence but ability to reach resolution diplomatically is what makes a different. However, Mandela decide not to go by arms struggled to save his people and today the apartheid issue was resolve without a feasible war. In the midst of tribulation and violation of the course of justice, war for war is not the best option but dialogue and diplomatic negotiation can bring sustainable peace to affected partyV
10.                     There is so much to life even after death

Mandela despite all struggle live for 95years and yet when he dies, his memory lives on in the mind of the people. The whole world stand still for him, despite people mourns, the joy reflected in the faces of people and I believe he has brought a smile to their faces when he was alive. Think beyond the moment in all you do and never forget what people will say about you even if you are there and you are not able to defend yourself. The death of Mandela reminds me that you can picture what will happen to your corpse when the spirit is no longer there!

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