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Speak your Mind

Sunday, January 19, 2014

How a caterpillar turns into a butterfly: the success principle you must apply to your life

Sometimes ago, a biologist gather a few student together to study on how a caterpillar turns into butterfly. He told the students that in the next couple of hours, the butterfly would struggle to come out of the cocoon but no one should help the butterfly, then he left.
The students were waiting and it happened. The butterfly struggled to get out of the cocoon and against the advice of the teacher; one of the student took pity on it and decided to help the butterfly out of the cocoon. He broke the cocoon to help the butterfly so it didn’t have to struggle any more, but shortly afterwards, the butterfly died

When the teacher returned, he was told that what had happened. He explained to the students that it is a law of nature that the struggle to come out of the cocoon actually help develop and strengthen the butterfly wings. By helping the butterfly the boy had deprived the butterfly of its struggle and the butterfly died

Lesson to learn
Nothing worthwhile in life comes without a struggle

This brief analogy suggests that the birth, living and death of a man all rooted in struggle. If life is not all about struggle, a baby will not cry at birth, man will not be running around to earn a living; even death will be so easy. The architectural design of a typical life of man is design to struggle for nearly everything in life. Even if you have all the money, power, fame, investment, children’s, successful marriage etc, there must be something missing in your life which you imminently desire and pursue through your struggle. From the time of birth to the period of death man must struggle for something. If underdeveloped butterfly required so much struggles without help to sustained and survive, then how much more of man not to struggle to meet his desire. If you are going through a difficult period, it’s a temporary challenge with time you shall overcome the barrier

If you approach the situation with a good plan, you shall overcome victoriously but if not the situation may be protracted.
For some years now, I have taken my time to study the life of at least 50 successful people in various aspect of life. Conclusively, I discover that, no one succeed without a record of past failures and numerous challenges. The inability of God to create heaven and earth in one day reminds me of challenges of the time of old. Remember , if not for challenges of life you go through and overcome , what story will you tell people today about your life, people only learn and appreciate stories that are difficult to believe(challenging stories). How many people will listen to your success story alone, I believe no one will like to talk and discuss about that.

A mans life is design to experience difficulties and challenges. If you a alive and you never experience difficult time that means you are supreme than God. The whole essence of challenges you are facing is for you to learn from errors of life either cause by you or by others
If you are going through a difficult moment, believe me is not permanent but temporal, it’s a bridge you must either jump, cross, fly, crutch to get to your destination. Its is a barrier you must overcome, it is a setback you must not allow, it is a monster you must confronted, it’s a battle you must worn, it’s a war you must overcome

“I once met a young man, who said to me that, if you must get to your destination and you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t run then jump, if you can’t jump then walk and if you can’t walk then  craw”. He admitted that, the mode you use in getting to your destination is not what matters but getting to your destination

Situation in life required you to prepared your mind for challenges: frustration, disappointment, loss of investment, loss of job, separation, disaster, death, accident etc
All these things are not a barrier or a stumbling block for you reaching your goals but prices you must pay to reach your destination

It is universally believed that, success is a journey but not a destination. It is a journey because one need to pay some prices, trade off some pleasure, embrace sleepless night, experience disappointment, loss of investment, go hungry, sold freedom, embrace countless sober moment, experience a lot of rejection, stay without food, money and friends, be your own councilor and mentor, turn your mind for experimental laboratory and your brain to lab tools

Nobody succeed in life without a story of trying time , the only persons who do not said such story are those who has fail in life. If you are ready to leave where are to where you want to be , you must be ready to take up challenges and pay the price because you are embarking on a journey, the end of the journey which is unknown to you, there are two options available to you, its either a failure or success. Which ever one you get is a function of your ability to manage situation and subdue the challenges

However, it takes a personal effort and great commitment of helpless new developing caterpillar to turn into a mature butterfly, hence, for you to succeed in life you need to overcome and cross some bridge no matter how terrible the situation is, the more you do that the better you are and the more you are likely to succeed. Life is a practical phenomenon not theoretical as it’s fondly believed to be by some people. The practical knowledge are from challenges’ of life one faces and subdue to get to one destination while the theoretical basis are those peoples thought about life which might not be feasible reality of life. No matter what you are facing, see it as a destination, never mind the price but focus your mind on the gain, pay the price and realize your dream.

Yes you can if you believe
Article written by Success Ambassador Sylvester Olorunsomo  

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