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Speak your Mind

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Never Rest on a Man’s Promises, if you must reach your Goal in life

The creation of earth has it in such a way that man sometimes have to depend on another man to overcome some challenges. The numerous challenges face by man usually compels one to look out for assistance from other persons. Two things is very important in life
  1. At one point or the other nobody has ever not seek help from others
  2. At the same time, one person or the other must have seek help from us

Therefore, mans fulfillment and realization of purpose on earth is interdependence. I have never sees any human being in life that succeeds without other fellow. Writing this article constrain me to be of opinion that never rest on mans promises. Sometimes, situation and challenges of life constraint you to seek for help whether in the right or wrong places.

 This is one of those catch 22 situation of life in which you have no option, alternative or idea of how to solve your present problem. Personally inside, there is presence of rejection inside of you and you couldn't help yourself. I believe at one point or the other we are all faced by this situation instead of you putting the problem aside and personally find a way to solve the problem, we tends to entrust the solution to others

Longtime ago, I got an inspiration that, you can only share your success with others but never try to share your problem because no one want to be part of it. When there is a problem and you are helpless and out of control then you seek for assistance from those you think that can help you, three categories of people you are likely to meet
  1. People you request to help you
  2. people that volunteer to help you
  3. people you think that will come to your rescue

However, out of these 3 category of individual, you are likely to meet one person in which their desire to help you will sound so promising but never mind, close to the time of redeem of promises, they will disappoint you

People take advantage of your ill circumstances to play you around without you knowing it, they tell you all those compassionate, encouraging and dependable words to calm you down, show how nice they are to you, how caring they are to you, the level of their support and commitment to you but close to your eye you will be surprise that all their promise will soon vanish to thin air

Never rest on mans promises for anything, 98% of it is made out of pretense, deceit and without sincerity of heart. It is the most beautiful word of the moment, its like smoke that will soon disappear. If you are confronted by any challenges of life, you only have two dependable companions
Y  Yourself! Yourself!! Yourself!!!
Y  God the creator of the universe

However, if the worst happen in life look up to your creator and have 100% trust in yourself that you can sort things out without depending solemnly on fail promises of man. If others par adventure volunteer to sort you out and they did fine, it means, they are God sent but if not “you are on your own”. Think from this perspective, in your mother womb, at birth and also when life is over in the grave you also face live alone

When the journey of life is becoming tough, adjust and respond to it, look within yourself instead of waiting for millennium miracle that may not come., adjust and respond to it , look within yourself instead of depending on others. Look at the challenges you are facing and analyzed the situation, develop several solution alternative to apply such that if one option fail try others. At the same time, put yourself at the top of the situation. Those who depend on others people to solve their problems will have so much troubles and experience constant and repeated disappointment.

Many people around you relied on what you can bring to the table not what to take out of the table. Hence, try to learn how to manage situation no matter how bad it is. Believe in yourself, trust yourself and hope in your creator. Do not continue to think of the magnitude of your problem instead spend more time alone to diagnose on possible solution.
No matter what, the problem is temporal but not permanent if you do the right thing. Put yourself first before seeking for external assistance

In summary, this article is not to brainwash you that, there is no help anywhere, there is but if you relied on external or third party assistance to resolve issues in your life, make sure you reserve enough money for treatment of hypertension, break of heart and high blood pressure. You can create the world you want without minding the world of others    

 Article written by Success Ambassador Sylvester Olorunsomo  

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