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Sunday, January 12, 2014

The success factor: you might not need all year round dry fasting and prays to succeed in 2014

Life motivation

Every new day is accompanied by different challenges. The life of a man comprises of both failures and success. For every challenges faced by individuals, it will either lead to success or failures. What determines the result of this life existence mixture (success or failure) is the ability of individuals to confront challenges of life with right approach and methodology that can bring about testimonial result. for aged long, man usually faced different degree of challenges, many people complains about theirs, some people live with it without solving it,  some people blame their circumstances on natural course , some blame others and their government, some people seek God, some people seek the help of a man with fail expectation and some even live and die with it.

The desire of a man is unlimited and hence each new day comes with new expectation. Every new day man continue to develop the need for more money, better lifestyle, better career ,better health care, better governance, good state of heart, better relationship, . However, most of the time, some expectation are not forth coming as a result of inability of man desire to coincide with their expectation and this will result to life challenges.

It is the fact that man has been given a natural control over everything in life but not on only one thing which is death. This simply means that, if you do the right thing you can get all what you need out of life and things will fall on line.  Recently, I read a particular article and one headline captured my attention that, if you continue to do what you are doing in the same way, you will always get the same result or outcome. What this means is that, for event(s) that is going on in your life, hold yourself responsible for it, don’t not blame anyone , stop complaining because for every outcome you get , you make the decision whether past or present , for instance
If your major challenge is your job, you apply for the job
If your major challenge is your marriage, you choose your partner
If your major challenge is your business, you choose your business
If your major challenge is your government, you vote your government
If your major challenge is unemployment, you choose go to school
If your major challenge is your health, you take alcohol, cigarette, unprotected sex, misuse of drugs, reckless food intake; it is your entire fault
If your major challenge is lack of saving, you spend your money

However, the challenges you are facing is an outcome or result of your past or present decision. The secret to success is simple, making right decision bring about right result while the penalty for wrong decision is daunting challenges and problems.

The way forward………….

If you must be successful, accept your past failures as a result of your wrong decision you have make and think about how to fix the wrong. if your health status is bad as a result of bad eating habit, desist from it and regain your health, if your finance is poor, minimize your spending and increase your investment, if you are not employ or underemployed then acquire some technical skills, set up something no matter how small it is, if your marriage seems not to work at all, seek a divorce and move on with your life, if your business seems not to work, change your line of business and move on.

Do not give up on yourself, challenges is start of success not the end of it. whatever what you are facing can be resolve, all what you have to do is to change yourself and change your circumstances .Do away with those things that seems not working and try new things, who knows it might be a beginning of success. Success in life is always about progress making not staying at the same spot and complaining about everything!

In summary, all life challenges and problems are temporal if one take a right measure to change things but may be permanent if you do not take the right measure about it. some problems do not need 90days dry fasting and prays, service of holy prophet, constant complaint and recounting excuses but a change of heart, making the right decision, correcting past errors, discard things that seems not working and embracing what seems to work , drop old philosophy and try new ideology
Article written by Success Ambassador

Sylvester Olorunsomo 

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